New Beginnings!

Welcome to our brand-spanking new site! We thought we’d give it a little makeover in celebration of the next chapter of our life…traveling! We are now officially nomads, with no home address so to speak of. We’re living on our own clock with only time ahead of us. It feels rather freeing knowing we don’t have to hurry to some final destination or towards some sort of end date. We’re going to be going with the flow from here on out, or until the money runs out…
It was extremely tough packing up our life in Korea and saying goodbye to everyone. It was weird seeing our things either get picked up by the education office, sold or given away to others, shipped home, or simply just thrown out. 2 years worth of things were gone within a week. And now all we have with us is a backpack full of, what we hope are, the necessary things we’ll need for our travels.
So with a new beginning comes a new layout! We hope this redesign will serve you and us better. We wanted a site where we could categorize posts for easier navigation later, as well as a simple and clean format so we aren’t bogged down too much with coding, etc. You’ll also notice we’ve got a logo! Special thanks go to our friend Matt who designed it for us. We love it! Let us know your thoughts and if you have any troubles. We’ll continue to add and make improvements along the way.
If you followed us for the past 2 years while we were living in Korea, thank you! But don’t worry, that stuff hasn’t been removed. We’ve just moved it to it’s own site now: Yup, it’s got it’s own url now. How special you are Korea 😉 We still hope to continue to post some things we missed during our time there, so check back there every once in a while. Arienne has put together a wonderful video highlighting our 2 years there, but unfortunately we’ve been getting some technical difficulties uploading it to youtube. So the video will have to wait for the time being.
So now we’re off exploring what China, South-East Asia, and beyond has to offer! We hope you’ll continue the journey with us!
Arienne & Tristan